25 Simple Linux Shell Scripts

25 Simple Linux Shell Scripts


The following are 25 simple Linux shell scripts that are key for scripting in Linux. The scripts can be utilized for personal, educational or corporate usage. Scripts are simply explained and include step by step instructions for how they can be run. Each script includes useful and common aspects which can be further built out if needed:


Common Shells

1) Hello World Script

Writing Simple Shell Scripts

2) Date with WhoAmI Script

3) Date Calendar and Uptime Script

4) Cleanup Script

Simple String Manipulation

5) Simple Replace String Script

Simple Argument Output Scripts

6) Output Arguments

7) Welcome Function Arguments

Simple Text String Scripts

8) Script for Newline and Tabs

Simple Math Script

9) Simple Addition

Simple Case Statements

10) Basic Case Statement

Simple Return Value/String Function Scripts

11) Return Value Function

12) Return String Function

Simple Array Scripts

13) Return Array Values

14) Return Second Element of Array

15) Append Element to Array

16) Return Array Map

17) Remove Array Map Element

IF Statement Scripts

18) IF Conditional Numeric

19) IF Conditional for File

20) IF/Else Conditional for Shell

While Statement Script

21) Simple While Statement

For Loop Scripts

22) Simple For Loop Script

23) Simple For Loop Range Script

Directory Scripts

24) Get Directory

25) Get Files in Directory

Linux Command Line

