Computer Skills: IBM, Macintosh & UNIX literate
Knowledge: Windows 95-2000 & XP, Windows NT, 2000 & 2003 Server, IIS, Apache, DOS, Novell, ClarisWorks, Microsoft Office 95, 97, 2000 & Project, Visio, Jetform Filler & Design, BBEdit, Multi-Edit, FrontPage, Paint Shop Pro, Installshield, InterDev, Toad, Logictran, GUI design, Mainframe knowledge, Visio, Project, Interwoven Teamsite/Open Deploy/Data Deploy, Saja Survey Software, Hubbard One, Interaction, Tikit (e-Merge, Reaction Server), MetaStorm
Programming languages: ASP, C, C#, C++, CSS, HTML, JAM, Java, JavaScript, CGI/Perl, SQL, UML and XML
Databases: Oracle (8,8i), SQL Server (7.0, 2000 & 2005), Informix and Microsoft Access
Writing Skills: Industry user manuals, print journalism, newsletters and brochures, plus writing techniques for radio and television