The Art & War of SharePoint

The Art & War of SharePoint -
Managing SharePoint is similar to managing a war and therefore using ancient war tactics SharePoint can be tamed. Therefore, several key aspects are reviewed to guide you through the process of planning and managing the best SharePoint environment possible. Topics include planning/project planning, architecture, price, site migration(s), example points for manager/director/vice president meeting, being disciplined, estimating time, arranging and preparing, training, explaining, design plans, continuing to attack, lacking plans, learning, courage, taxonomy planning, productivity, enterprise content management, security model, information architecture, designing, measure of use, self-control, entice, using weapons wisely, building rapidly, being skill-fill, don’t be distant, collaborate with other teams, dividing and conquering, being adaptable, creating a workflow, handling users, being tactical, have to be clever, reward team members, energy, project manager, common content types, content migration, search plan, testing, governance, maintainability amongst other topics are discussed.  As an added bonus each section provides a tales from the battlefield section with my own candid thoughts on each topic.
